Thursday 3 November 2016

Front Cover Planning

Front Cover Planning

- Urban
- City
- Estate
- Flats
- Outside

- Breezy
- Chrome
- Faded
- Grimy
- Gully
- Hyphy
- Steez
- Steelo

Fonts and Colours?
- Unique fonts
- Bright text to contrast 'dull picture'
- Bright logo box
- Eye Catching
- Street style
- Graffiti?

Main Image? 
- Models: Paris, Paloma and Talisa
- Close poses
- Distinctive features  or props
- Serious facial expressions

- 90's Style influence
- Streetwear
- Nike, Adidas, Puma, North Face etc...
- Tracksuits
- Caps
- Unique Props (Lollipop, drink can etc...)
- Bomber jackets

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