Thursday 6 April 2017


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The models used in my magazine are all teenagers/young adults, which help reflect my magazine's youthful approach to it's genre Grime. They're dressed in street wear attire (brands such as Adidas, North Face and Nike), this helps emphasis trendy clothing in the younger generation and shows stereotypical attire Grime/ UK Hip-Hop artists are seen to wear. The tone and language used in my DPS article also reflect youthful content, for example the frequent use of slang allows it to demonstrate that it is suitable for a younger audience as they will be able to understand it. I have also included social media icons such as Twitter and YouTube, indicating that my target audience will be familiar with social media. 

As Grime is a genre that is mostly dominated by males, I used 4 females models and 3 male models to promote equality in the genre. Because of this the color scheme I have used, consists of black, orange, white and yellow which are neutral colors, neither too feminine or masculine. Also, the female and male models used are equally dressed in street wear attire to not exploit a certain sex.

Stereo typically Grime artist are from a black or ethnic minority background, the models used in my magazine conform to this stereotype; African and Caribbean being the most frequent ethnicity.  

Grime is a genre that has most of its audiences within the UK. My magazine includes UK slang, in which UK audiences are able to easily recognize. Also Grime stands for urban culture, this includes sites such as council sites, because of this I placed my female models in front of council flats to portray their surroundings linking it back to the genre.

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